Sounds True Podcast Tami Simon Insights at the Edge

Podcast with Tami Simon 10K, Good Questions, Thank you!

Podcast with Tami Simon

This was one of the most challenging interviews I’ve done.

Tami means business. As founder of Sounds True, she has been in the world of spiritual practice for a long time. She’s worked with many people I respect and you could tell right away that she wasn’t going to waste her audience’s time with lots of chit chat or superficial answers. I didn’t listen to the interview for a long time because I was worried that I hadn’t done a very good job at answering her pressing questions.

Ultimately, I think it was one of the best interviews I’ve done because she pushed a bit. She came up to the edges of some of my boundaries (always respectfully) and I had to choose where to go with my answers. Some of those answers became a microcosm of the boundary work itself. And I’m thrilled at how many people have listened in just a couple weeks! Over 10K and counting.

And I’m grateful for so many of you who have reached out to say that you connected with what we talked about and with the Shining Bright Without Burning Out course topics that we shared. I’d love to hear more from you. I hope you’ll share your experiences after doing the audio course on your own (if you decide to get it – you can also also listen to a sample here.) I hope you’ll join a live online class on this topic with me if that appeals to you. Feel free to add your name to my list to stay up to date about events, free gatherings, etc.

Listen to my conversation about Shining Bright with Sounds True Founder Tami Simon on her podcast Insights at the Edge

Mara Bishop and Sounds True Founder Tami Simon talk about Shining Bright without Burning Out: Spiritual Tools for Creating Healthy Energetic Boundaries in an Overconnected world on the podcast Insights at the Edge

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