Video of Spiritual Healing, Personal Evolution & Shamanism Talk at the Rhine

I’ve just got my hands on the video of The Mysteries of Spiritual Healing, Personal Evolution & Shamanism talk that I gave at the Rhine Research Center recently. Be prepared to turn your sound way up! I plan to share some of the concepts from that talk here over several posts.

Here is the link to the video.

One of the first things I do in that talk is define my terms. I think that’s important. So let’s start there. The short version of how I define these terms is as follows:

Spiritual Healing
When I use the phrase, “spiritual healing” I mean a process that helps maintain or restore harmony to one’s entire being. “Body, mind, spirit” is an overused phrase at this point, but it’s trying to define the idea that we are complex organisms. We can access any one aspect of who we are through any other, not only in a holistic way, but perhaps in a holographic way. Each of those three categories – body, mind and sprit – are entrance points into who we are as extraordinarily complex beings. Spiritual healing addresses all of those dimensions.

Personal Evolution
Personal Evolution is our process of learning, healing and transforming as individuals. We can do this consciously and conscientiously, or we can go the auto-pilot route and hope for the best. Personal Evolution Counseling is my name for what I do specifically in my practice with clients. It combines intuitive guidance and different forms of spiritual healing work to help people approach their lives consciously and with on-going support.

Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice that we know of on the planet. There is not one definition, as there is not one way to practice shamanism. It teaches us that everything has a spiritual dimension. We are connected to one another through the web of light or living energy field. The shaman can perceive the spiritual aspects of the world by altering their perception, frequently through percussive sound called sonic driving. Practitioners of shamanism work with their own helping spirits and with the spiritual aspects of nature and other beings to help restore harmony and balance for their community. They serve as healers, therapists, priests, midwives and diviners, accessing information from the spiritual worlds.

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