January 2025

Antisocial Media: Bloody Thumbs Down, Social Media and Alternative Platforms

Antisocial Media: Social Media & New Platforms

Antisocial Media: Social Media and New Platforms “Social media” sounds great. Maybe, at one point, it was. Perhaps it can still be. Currently, however, a more accurate name is “antisocial media.” Many of us have used social media in reasonable and enjoyable ways, like connecting with new or old friends and communities, buying, selling, and […]

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Tending Heartbreak red heart breaking into pieces on black background

Tending Heartbreak – Aftermath, Possibilities, Hope

Tending Heartbreak Heartbreak, or the potential for it, is everywhere. While never minimizing tragic losses, or saying someone’s trauma is helpful because it makes them stronger (erg, no), how we tend heartbreaks (big and small) makes the difference in how we experience our lives in their aftermath. In preparing for the 365 Journeys Circle this

Tending Heartbreak – Aftermath, Possibilities, Hope Read More »

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