Words alone cannot fully express my gratitude…I can't begin to explain or understand what you have done for me, I can only appreciate the transformation that I have been experiencing since our sessions began ...You are Heaven sent.
I am absurdly grateful for my work with Mara
It was amazing... the most important thing is that the sadness and hate were gone since that night! It's wonderful!
When you put your hands on my head I felt so much energy coming from your hands. And I just felt like I wanted to smile. I started to feel so happy. I have never had an experience like that in my life.
What you just said was more helpful than 8 years of therapy! I never thought about it that way. It changes everything.
I feel absolutely wonderful and clear after our session today.
It was truly life changing for me, and the best way I can describe it is that I feel “filled” with a new vitality in my heart. Thank you.
After the session and today I am feeling internally more at ease, calm and I feel a sense of well- being.
One session with you opened my path, my heart, my hope.
I am feeling amazing. You are incredible!
In a world that is so fantastically wrong, this feels right. When I needed help, this helped me. Nothing else did.
I have definitely noticed a change. I'm sleeping better, have more energy and I'm in a better mood all together.
I felt much lighter and more optimistic, and much more energized.
Since starting regular sessions with you, I feel amazingly connected to the vibrancy of life in a way that I haven't been in such a long time. I notice the miraculous way that I am interacting with nature and I stand in awe… The healing work that you did on my legs and feet recently was totally unexpected. I cannot believe how quickly the pain disappeared after that session.
I feel amazingly better, unbelievably so
The soul retrieval was magical, It fixed me when nothing else worked.
Shamanism for Every Day is a beautiful and timely book. With navigating the turbulent waves of change Mara Bishop brilliantly inspires us to remain focused and keep up our spiritual work to be in service to ourselves, our loved ones, and all of life. Each daily practice reminds us that shamanism is a sacred way to living life. These practices are so needed right now to restore balance to the planet and to our own lives.
Sandra Ingermanaward winning author of 12 books
Mara Bishop is a woman of great soul and expertise, and she delivers a potent well of wisdom. If you immerse yourself in these teachings and practices you will awaken to your true self, the resident wisdom of your own soul, and the interconnectedness of all things. I highly recommend Shamanism for Every Day and have added it as a stimulating resource to my daily practice.
Paul Bowersoxco-author, Seeing in the Dark
Mara Bishop’s primary contribution in Inner Divinity is as an architect of the sacred in our lives. Bishop has crafted something elegant, simple, and profoundly wise: a way to organize powerful spiritual precepts one building block at a time. She does so in a compassionate and steady way, combining structure with options for each of us, to help us stay the course and become all that we are meant to be
Cecile A. Carson M.D.editor, Spirited Medicine
Inner Divinity is a treasure chest of inspirational teaching for just how to ‘craft your life with sacred intelligence.’ As a resource it is well-organized, clear and to the point. As an instrument for personal motivation this book sings with Mara’s voice of compassionate wisdom. We can feel the strength and comfort of her presence throughout!”
Nan Moss and David Corbinco-authors, Wisdom from the Sky
Inner Divinity is a beautiful weaving of different methods that create a holistic model of healing for body, mind, and spirit. Mara Bishop is a brilliant writer and healer...
Sandra Ingerman, M.A.author, Medicine for the Earth
Mara’s deep and masterful understanding of personal evolution, healing, and energetic well-being is truly a gift. Shamanism for Every Day: 365 Journeys: provides meaningful daily guidance to help you connect with your sources of spiritual wisdom to heal your body, mind and spirit. My life has been enriched by the guidance and wisdom in these daily prompts.
Diane Hartingh Priceco-author, Write Your Stress Away
Phenomenal. Outstanding course!
Last Saturday was extraordinary. It’s a masterpiece of understanding our own energy and how others affect us. It provided a toolkit to help keep myself balanced while still loving and accepting other people. It was awesome. It was incredible.
The Energy Ecosystem course was phenomenal! It really helped.
I think everybody needs to take this Energy Ecosystem class! I keep finding the word value. I interacted with some very demanding people, but ultimately held my ground in ways I wouldn’t have in the past.
I can’t believe how empowering drawing a boundary is!
Fantastic class and the timing was magnificent!
I so enjoyed and benefited from your Energy Ecosystem seminar.
Thanks for a great experience.
The journeying has been what I’ve been looking for (without realizing it until it was there) my entire life - it’s been more than I ever would have dared to dream was possible.
I’m reminded of when people thought the world was flat, then things opened up and expanded. There is so much to explore!
I love this class!
Thank you for a great course.
It was just so beautiful and deeply healing for me. (Enatured)
It was really cool to experience the remote reiki session...
I experienced all of the same dreamy mind & body sensations! I could tell exactly when it was over. P.K.
I have given the book (Inner Divinity) to three people each of whom has talked about how meaningful it was to them and how much they enjoyed it! W.K.
I appreciate all that you have taught us, Mara.
It's been a life changing experience. D.M.
My psychiatrist...was so blown away by my response to the Reiki
you did on my heart, that he specifically said that I need to keep that up! R.T.
I love, love, love your daily journeying messages!
They always strike such a nerve with me, but in a soothing, loving comforting way. K.J.
My time with you has been profound.
It has re-shaped how I interact with the world. G.D.
When you put your hands on my head I felt so much energy coming from your hands. And I just felt like I wanted to smile.
I started to feel so happy. I have never had an experience like that in my life. H.J.
I really love 365 journeys and look forward to receiving
the journey theme for each day. Today's was serendipitous!
Thank you for this wonderful program that helps with that centering. B.A.
Doing this work makes me want to run
and play like a child! B.A.
I am looking at life with eyes wide open and see
infinite possibilities at every turn. Thank you Mara
for embracing my spirit, confirming what I already knew and teaching me what I had not yet conceived. J.M.
I start each day reading your
365 entry. Those are great! H.K.
Thank you for holding such a beautiful
space for us
and for being such an amazing teacher. A.M.
This is a miracle. I’ve had migraines since I was twelve.
For the last 2 weeks I haven’t had one.
It’s a miracle. J.K.
I have read and re-read (Inner Divinity)! It's covered with post-it-notes and pencil marks. I carry it with me daily...just having it with me...just brings me such peace.
You are truly motivational. B.T.
It was wonderful of you to conduct our class this past Tuesday! You were so appreciated by the group and received high marks from all! U.L.
I am feeling amazing. You are incredible! M.J.
This brilliant book enables me to continue and expand my personal journey. K.H.
I left feeling like not the same person. It was very profound. Positive...M.K.
You are the best therapist I’ve ever had and I’ve had a lot of them. You know exactly where the healing needs to happen. A.D.
This book is incredible (Inner Divinity). Great information for transforming you life. Easy to read. Easy to put into practice. Lovingly done. G.C.
It’s been magical!
You have opened up a whole new world...C.G.
You are the perfect person to talk to about this stuff because you won't give the psychotherapy line, but can hold space for me to have my own exploration. When you said you didn't do predictions, I was disappointed at first, but then I realized what you do is much better . G.A.
(Inner Divinity is) a wealth of information in a very well-written book. She defines the basics of many -isms we may have heard of but don't really understand, as well as wealth of exercises to guide us in our journey through life. If you have never read anything on inner power, I strongly suggest this book. J.M.
The journeying has been what I’ve been looking for (without realizing it until it was there) my entire life - it’s been more than I ever would have dared to dream was possible. C.W.
Finding you is the best thing that’s happened because of this disease...Neurologically things are s changing. I feel like my PTSD is so much better. S.A.
I just had to tell you how much I enjoy your suggestions each day.
So often, I find that they are just what I need! M.M.
Spirit really shines through you. You’re luminous W.C.
These comments do not represent a warranty or prediction of what your experience may be.