energy ecosystem

Is Your Sensitivity a Strength Protea Flower with black background

Is Your Sensitivity a Strength or a Burden?

Is Your Sensitivity a Strength or a Burden? Interconnection v Overconnection Sensitivity is a burden when we are overly affected by others. With a few tools, it can be a great strength. Our world is interconnected (spiritually, ecologically, technically, logistically, etc.). Interconnection is powerful. Overconnection feels like a burden. That increasing sense of overconnection –

Is Your Sensitivity a Strength or a Burden? Read More »

Shining Bright Without Burning Out course lotus flower in pond image. Spiritual Tools for Creating Healthy Energetic Boundaries in an Overconnected World, a Sounds True audio course

Energetic Boundaries Class – Sensitivity into Strength

Energetic Boundaries Class – Turn Sensitivity into Strength Keeping your Energy Ecosystem™ healthy allows you to keep the benefits of sensitivity without becoming overwhelmed by it. Healthy energetic boundaries are adjustable to different circumstances. Sensitive people are the strongest when they can moderate the porousness of their boundaries. The stamina to continue to adapt as

Energetic Boundaries Class – Sensitivity into Strength Read More »

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