Summer Shamanic Journeying ~ Drumming Circle Monday, July 22nd

The phrase “drumming circle” can be confusing. There are several different kinds of circles. Some focus on using drums to explore rhythm and tone,  making music in a group. Others have the shamanic journey as their primary focus and drumming is used to help participants shift their state of consciousness. Know before you go! I host a shamanic drumming circle, the later. Core shamanic journeying experience is required, but I can teach you if you are interested in learning.

The next circle will be on Monday July 22nd from 7:00 – 9:00. As usual, our focus will be on journeying and creating sacred space as a group. There will be time for drumming. We will journey on a group topic and also on personal questions. This is an open circle, so there is no obligation to come more than once. You are welcome to come and see if it is a good fit for you.

Preregistration  is required for these gatherings. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Visit the Events page for more information and registration information for the circle and classes.

Wishing you a peaceful heart,

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17 minute shamanic drumming with call back beat.

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