This is fast becoming a big focus of my work with clients and groups because I see such a need, and improvement once some of these issues are addressed. Many people struggle with boundaries. Often patterns are established early in childhood that determine whether or not we will have naturally strong energetic boundaries. When we don’t have a good sense of how to work with our energy bodies and maintain our “borders,” we can wind up feeling battered and baffled by our interactions with other people, and the world at large. We get exhausted, or worse, sick.
Everyone needs tools to protect themselves energetically, and ways to clear the residue of difficult interactions. This class can help you feel more in control of your life though understanding how your energy, and the energy you live in, works. Join me for the next Energy Ecosystem© class on March 14.
Navigating the Energy Ecosystem©
Saturday, March 14, 2015
COST: $175 each class ($150 if registered before February 1st)
TIME: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
LOCATION: Beautiful Private Studio in Chapel Hill
For more details and to register, visit Events page. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
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Wishing you a peaceful heart,
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