Distance Healing: What is it? Does it Work? Give it a Try?

Distance healing has a long history, and has been the subject of scientific study with a range of results. Whether described as prayer, energy medicine, shamanic healing or other forms of spiritual or energetic practice, it involves using intention to affect another person who does not physically share the same space at the same time. Many people have reported significant positive changes after doing remote healing with me, including reduced migraines adn chronic pain, improved emotional states and increased creativity.

Dr. Larry Dossey talks about this kind of healing as Era III, or non-local, medicine. Era III medicine recognizes that our physical and energetic bodies are connected, but are not bound together, allowing the conscious intention of one person to affect another person across distance and time.”The Science of Distance Healing” from the Huffington Post describes one study that measured skin conductivity to determine the effects of distance healing. The changes were highest in the group receiving the healing, with the odds that the measurements were the result of chance being 0.09%. The Institute of Noetic Sciences produced the following articles (first articlesecond article) which document many experiments with positive, mixed and neutral results for distance healing. 

lf you would like to experience it yourself, please join me (remotely) this Monday February 6th at 6:00 pm EST and/or Wednesday February 15th at 12:00. I periodically run a 2 for 1 special on the sessions, which I will extend through February. Buy 2 for yourself or give one to someone you care about. More information about the sessions is available at WholeSpirit.com. Simply click here to register and then by Monday morning, please send me a name, photo and intention on which you’d like me to focus.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Wishing you a peaceful heart,


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