Thank you CNN! Love, Healing & Nonsearch.

Last night I started to look around for some research on the ways that love affects our ability to heal. It was a relatively broad search, motivated by my continuing movement toward a practice that focuses on generating a particular attitude or energy with my clients, more than on the techniques used. Love and compassion. Radiate love and compassion. Surround people with love and compassion and see what happens. Not new ideas of course, but I’m delving deeper into how those states relate to miraculous healing and how we can create them in our lives, both inside and outside of a practitioner’s space. It got late and I went to bed, without making much headway.

This morning CNN posted this article by Barbara L. Fredrickson. 10 Things You Might Not Know About Love. I’d had a successful experience with “nonsearch”! Nonsearch is finding exactly what you are looking for soon after you stop looking it. Yes, I made the term up, but expect more on the topic because it’s happening more frequently. Among many interesting research findings about love, compassion, and both of their effects on our health and happiness, Barbara says the following;

“…your micro-moments of love not only make you healthier, but being healthier builds your capacity for love. Little by little, love begets love by improving your health. And health begets health by improving your capacity for love.”

She goes on, “The radical shift we need to make is this: Love, as your body experiences it, is a micro-moment of connection shared with another.”

Yes! She’s talking about some of what I’m trying to do with my practice and my life, but from a research based context. Right brain and left brain are happy! There are the micro-moments, as Fredrickson calls them, certainly, and they build and reflect back. And there are also the macro-moments, the big infusions, the divine downloads. I work with those as well, and know that people are changed. I am changed.

Fredrickson is a professor right here at UNC Chapel Hill too. I love the synchronicities of my “nonsearch,” her proximity to my location, and the benefit it gave me personally to get this message right now (a mini “Amazing Grace moment“).

Wishing you days filled with micro and macro love moments. And, as always…

Wishing you a peaceful heart,


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