I live in Durham NC and we had a snowstorm this week. We were supposed to get an inch or two. Despite best efforts and good intentions, the predictions were wrong. We got 8-12 inches in some areas. Here in NC that basically means everything that is not absolutely essential stops. Coming from a colder climate originally, I found this a little surprising when I moved here 20 years ago. Since then, I’ve come to love it. Yes, it can be disrupting and chaotic and disappointing for all sorts of reasons. But…SNOW DAY!
It’s been so beautiful. The first day was still and quiet, shades of black and white. The next was brilliant blue skies with snow like glitter falling from the tree branches catching the sunlight. Everything is white and gleaming. The quiet was punctuated occasionally by happy shouts from someone sledding nearby.
We made a snow woman, encouraged the dog to pull us on a sled, and enjoyed fires and hot biscuits. Unexpected family time, additional rest, and the beauty of nature feel especially precious to me right now. I hope you were able to take advantage of this somewhat unexpected act of nature. If you are someone who helped keep us safe through these times and worked through it, thank you. If you live elsewhere and this was just a regular week, your unexpected snow day (or whatever other kind of extraordinary day) will come and I hope it brings you joy.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
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Wishing you a peaceful heart,