I’ve been spending a lot of time these last few weeks preparing for the classes coming up this weekend. Immersed in the content and the organization of all this juicy material which is very meaningful to me, I stop periodically to shift the focus of how I’m working. I envision being with the truly interesting group of people who have signed up (only 1 spot left for Energy Ecosystem and a handful for Cultivating Peace & Power Shamanically!). I remind myself that part of the alchemy of these groups is in seeing what happens once we are there together and letting it happen. Yes, I still need to over-prepare, because that’s who I am, and I respect your time and resources too much to wing it; however, sometimes the spirits have something else to show us that is more important than what I had prepared. If I am open and flexible enough to see it and work with it, the class can wind up more valuable than as originally planned.
I’m writing this to you now because this approach has worked well for me lately on several fronts. When things work, I want to share them with you! Shifting perspective and working on the same project from a different angle, and showing up as prepared as possible, but allowing things to evolve differently than you had planned – seems simple right? But often we get into a groove and attached to doing things how we are used to doing them. Both of these easy approaches make space for guidance and assistance from outside of our everyday selves to reach us and enhance our lives. Working in partnership; it’s one of the cornerstones of shamanic practice.
I look forward to seeing many of you this weekend. If you are still interested in joining, please contact me asap, and visit the WholeSpirit Events page for more information on this weekend’s classes, the drumming circle coming up on November 25th and a few other events at UNC and the Durham County Library.
For information visit the WholeSpirit.com Events page. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Wishing you a peaceful heart,
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