Olynda Smith is beginning a wonderful workshop series called Yoga for Parents at the Durham Yoga Company beginning January 14th.
On the mat we not only cultivate health, we also give ourselves the skills and support to embody patience, calm, compassion, and more. This ripples out to everyone we interact with—especially for our kids.
These workshops give you everyday skills to support you as you do the impossibly hard work of parenting. Olynda brings her experience as a Montessori teacher and parent to help illuminate the importance of this inner work and to help you bridge the gap from mat to home.
The Best Present Ever: Cultivating Presence
Saturday, January 14, 2:00–4:00 p.m.
Those Are Some Big Feelings: Cultivating Emotional Intelligence
Saturday, January 28, 2:00–4:00 p.m.
The Sacred Pause: The Art of Responding Rather Than Reacting
Saturday, February 18, 2:00–4:00 p.m.
$25 per workshop
$60 for all three
$5 discount for second parent for each workshop
More info at wildheartyoga.com