Two Mouse Morning…updated!

Sometimes the most delightful gifts are unexpected and um…not exactly what you would have asked for. Our sweet cat Luna will periodically bestow her highest honor upon us by delivering one of her favorite stuffed mice. She announces the arrival of her gift with a distinctive fanfare meow, which we now recognize. As I sat at my desk this morning, she brought not one, but two mice in quick succession! Unheard of. But wait! As I type, she has come back with a third. This is an outstanding show of love (or concern?) Really these are remnants of her hunting instincts and she is taking care of me as part of her family, and maybe trying to teach me how to hunt for my own food. I accept this as a message of love, support and abundance. There will always be enough mice for me. I sit with the gift, especially the gift of a delightfully silky Luna curled on my lap.


Feel free to contact me with your own stories of animal love and healing!

Wishing you a peaceful heart,


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