How Do You Shine Bright? Sounds True Blog Post

Sounds True Blog: How Do You Shine Bright? Managing Your Energy Ecosystem™

Sounds true just published this essay:

When you hear the phrase “shining bright,” what does it evoke for you? Does it mean being yourself? Is it radiance, openness, or casting your energy outward toward others? Is it being the center of attention?

For me, shining bright is about sustainable personal energy, understanding your unique spiritual makeup or energetic personality archetype. It’s about managing your energy ecosystem. It’s also about keeping the balance of what’s “coming in” and what’s “going out,” as all healthy systems do.

One of the ways I feel my “brightest” is when I’m in nature, especially in the little jungle of my backyard. As I write this, a rabbit is relentlessly distracting me by flashing its ears in my line of sight…


Tools for creating healthy energetic boundaries are part of the Energy Ecosystem class and the upcoming Shining Bright Without Burning Out audio course (available for preorder).

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