I will be the lovely Olynda’s guest for this Devi Day focusing on Wisdom.
February 11th from 9-4
This retreat day will be focused on nourishing and calling forth our own inner wisdom. We’ll gather at the beautiful yet convenient Sfeer studios and have a day of yoga, connection, wellness and soul nourishment. Our focus will be on the Feminine way of deep knowing. We’ll explore different archetypes of Divine Feminine wisdom in the world, in history and most importantly in ourselves. We’ll call in the energy of Saraswati, Athena and Sophia as they give us a way to tap into our own wisdom, intuition and discernment. We’ll incorporate some powerful practices to help clear, balance and nourish the 6th chakra – the seat of knowing. Our practice of asana (poses), breath work and meditation will help us awaken into our own deep insight and wisdom. We will look at shamanic perspectives for connecting with wisdom and finding our place in the lineage that links us to past and future.
Sfeer Studio
200 Britton Drive Chapel Hill NC
$75 suggested donation/sliding scale