Happy New Year! Happy New Office Space!

I’m happy to announce that I will have an additional lovely space to work from starting in 2011. HealthTouch NC is located at 3500 Westgate Drive, Suite 504 in Durham. You can visit their website at www.healthtouchnc.com. To inspire you to try the new space I’m offering $15 off an appointment booked before January 10th for a Thursday morning at HealthTouch.

A dear friend just threw a New Year’s party in mid-December because she just couldn’t wait until New Year’s Eve to usher 2010 out the door. She was confident that many of her friends would agree. It has been an interesting year to say the least. Have you felt it too? Ready for 2011 to bring a welcome change, perhaps evolution, to your life?

My mantra lately has been “Embrace the mystery.” Historically, we imbue this time of year with the (somewhat arbitrary) power of renewal. Resolutions, reinvigorated willpower — our determination increases to make changes that we’ve let slide since last year’s turn. Although traditional resolutions can motivate us to action, the mystery of what truly helps us evolve is harder to wrestle into a to-do list or an exercise plan. A willingness to watch that mystery unfold will also serve us well. By blending focused observation, conscious stillness, and deliberate action we do our part to become who we wish to be while honoring who we already are.

Possibly the following unconventional New Year’s resolutions might be good substitutes for some old standbys?

  • I take time to appreciate the wisdom and beauty within me regularly.
  • I relax into the grace supporting me as I move through my days.
  • Even when my path feels misty and mysterious, I have the discernment to sit in the mist until it clears and to act decisively when the time is right.
  • I am evolving, every day, as intended.

Here’s to a peaceful, playful New Year!

Be well,


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