Federal Government OKs Killing of Remaining Wild Red Wolves

Forgive the long post please – action items in ordinary and non-ordinary reality are at the end.

I know we are saturated with tragic stories and emergent crises. There are many calls for help. Today I write about one of the many, but ask for help in perhaps a less common way.

This may be a hard headline to read, but if there isn’t a change of course it’s likely to become reality in a short while. You may already know about what’s happening in eastern North Carolina with the endangered wild red wolf population. It’s an issue that I care deeply about. My daughter and I were lucky enough to hear these wolves howl at night years ago.

When I think about how to make a difference in the world I have different approaches, some are in the visible realms and some are in the invisible realms.

Because I am very attached to the earth and her creatures, it’s hard for me to imagine that allowing red wolves to be shot to extinction is for the highest good. I also am aware that despite “right” and “wrong” appearing to be very clear in some instances, I don’t always know what may be happening in the bigger picture.

So in the visible realms, I am acting, even as I feel relatively powerless, to speak up about it. See below for more information. July 30th is the deadline for input to the federal government.

In the invisible realms, the bigger picture is formed. It germinates in the void where many possibilites exist. In these realms it’s perhaps more helpful to ask for help without having a pre-formed idea of what the outcome should be. This is the approach of Shamanism Without Borders. Offering help—to situations, beings, places—but without our own agendas and biases. So I am doing this as well.

I invite you to join me in working shamanically on behalf of the red wolves of eastern NC. Shamanism Without Borders has a protocol which I’m happy to share. But I encourage you to simply journey to ask for permission to support the wolves and their situation in whatever way is needed right now…even if it is not what you think. Ask what you can do to be an agent of healing.

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In eastern North Carolina, we have the last remaining population of wild red wolves. Those wolves have been protected to varying degrees over the years. The federal government via the USFWS has decided to remove those protections, which will likely result in the extinction of red wolves (largely by hunting) unless this course is altered. I’m condensing the situation – for more accurate and complete information about the extinction of wild red wolves see a few posts below, each with links to the USFW Service’s comment page open until July 30.

Post from the NY Wolf Center

WRAL article
New Federal Regulations Could Mean the End of Red Wolves – https://www.wral.com/new-federal-plan-could-mean-the-end…/…/

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